What We Believe | South Milford Church of Christ

What We Believe


JESUS: Jesus is the only Son of God. He took on the identity of a man in order to live a sinless life, thus becoming the perfect sacrifice and atonement for the fulfillment of the Law. 1 Corinthians 15:1-8; Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-18 THE BIBLE: The Bible is the inspired Word of God, it is the narrative of God interacting with His people through judgment, redemption, grace, and love. The Bible directs our every action, and allows us to experience God’s continual interaction with mankind in the present day. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 SIN: Every person has worth as a creation of God, but all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. By falling short of God’s glory, we have created separation between ourselves and God. While this separation is experienced presently as a result of sin, without the salvation of Christ, it leads to eternal separation from God. Romans 3:23;6:23 FORGIVENESS: Forgiveness of sin, along with eternal life in the presence of God, are available to all who profess that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. John 3:16 SALVATION: Those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior ought to repent of their sin, publicly declare their intended faith relationship with Jesus, and experience baptism into His body, which is the Church. Romans 10:9-13; Acts 2:38 THE CHURCH: The Church is the foretaste of the Kingdom of God here in the present. In the Church we find a community of believers seeking to seek and serve God in all decisions. The Church is to be a place where the Gospel is presented clearly with Christ Jesus on the throne, and where people are encouraged and cultivated in spiritual growth and development. Ephesians 4:1-16 OUR HOPE: Jesus Christ will one day return to earth and reign forever as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we shall exist as citizens of the Kingdom along with Him. 1 Thessolonians 4:13-18